Plan Sponsor Gateway

Please click the image on right to see the Plan Sponsor Gateway. This is a live demo, with updated and current mutual fund prices. This Gateway gives the plan sponsor a solid “hands-on” experience of how robust and well-organized Open Architecture 401k really is. Most plans can be fully administered in only 10 minutes a month...or less. The plan sponsor has complete control over all plan operations---and can view participants' accounts, easily process loan, hardship and distribution requests, print timely audit reports, and perform compliance testing, and all other functions quickly, easily, and with total confidence using Open Architecture 401k's intuitive, proven, rock-solid administration.   plan sponsor gateway

Sponsor Gateway: Introduction to self-service plan administration

Entrance into your Open Architecture 401k plan administration and participation occurs, respectively, through your customized Plan Sponsor Gateway and Plan Participant Gateway.

The Plan Sponsor Gateway is the plan sponsor's path to customized self-service plan administration, including convenient communication with company employees.

The below topics explain the key features within the Plan Sponsor Gateway.

Sponsor Gateway: Configuration functions

As a plan sponsor, you use Open Architecture 401k to further set up your customized 401k plan's operation. Plan configuration functions include:

Sponsor Gateway: Day-to-day administration

As a plan sponsor, you will use Open Architecture 401k to run your customized 401k plan. Day-to-day plan administration functions include:

If you like, try out some or all of these functions using our demo Plan Sponsor Gateway, which is accessible through our Product Demos section.

Sponsor Gateway: Forms and reports

Open Architecture 401k's Forms and Reports functions include:



Security features

Open Architecture 401k employs technological as well as operational security features designed to safeguard all information without overly complicating the end-user experience. Security features range from the simple to the complex. For instance:

Plan Participant Gateway

Please click the image on right to see the Plan Participant Gateway. This is a live demo, with updated and current mutual fund prices. This Gateway gives you a solid “hands-on” experience of what your employees will use to manage their 401k investments online. participants can review past and current investments, change their investment line-up, apply for a loan, hardship, or in-service distribution, update beneficiary and other personal information, change their password, send the plan sponsor a confidential email, and download and print-out a current statement.   plan participant gateway

Participant Gateway: Introduction to self-service plan participation

Open Architecture 401k empowers plan participants to serve themselves to their 401k account activity and information, which they can do at any time, day or night, from any location connected to the Internet.

Open Architecture 401k creates a home page for each plan participant. Upon login, the participant arrives at his or her home page.

Participants update information themselves

Plan participants never have to involve your plan administrator in routine account information updates:

Participants update investment designations themselves

Plan participants never have to go through your 401k plan administrator to access and/or amend salary deferral rates and/or investment designations.

Participants monitor, model and apply for loans, transfers and distributions themselves

Plan participants never have to go through your 401k plan administrator for transaction information on existing loans, transfers, distributions, etc.. Instead, they simply go online and access the information themselves.

In addition, participants considering a new loan, transfer or distribution can have Open Architecture 401k model the effect of such on their 401k account:

Within the Loans, Transfers, and Distributions panel, the participant also has the option of downloading and/or printing necessary forms to request loans, distributions, and transfers in person from your 401k plan administrator and to manually perform other related account maintenance activities.

Participation is more than simply password protected

Plan participants enter the Plan Participant Gateway by keying in the user name and password they establish during their first visit.

Financial Advisor Gateway

Please click the image on right to see the Financial Advisor Gateway. This is a live demo, with updated and current mutual fund prices. This Gateway gives financial advisors a solid “hands-on” experience of how robust and well-organized Open Architecture 401k really is. Most plans can be fully administered in only 10 minutes a month...or less. The financial advisor gets an excellent “birds-eye” view of all Plan Participants' past and current investments and balances, and can also monitor the operations performed by the Plan Sponsor.   financial advisor gateway

Advisor Gateway: Testing & Reports...

Advisors are able to view summary plan balances of all their plans on the Open Architecture 401k system, and view the specifics of each plan and individual participant accounts. To keep their clients informed about investments regarding the plan, the built in email message center allows the advisor to post bulletins and send/receive messages with plan sponsors and participants.

Advisors can view and print detailed histories of a variety of administration reports, including contribution statements for participants, allocation logs, loan activity, liquidations, transfers, and distributions. All Plan Reports are instantly created as Adobe PDF documents for printing or archiving.

The Advisor can run the following tests and reports for any number of plans at will:



Advisors and ERISA Q & A

The following is a summary, in question and answer form, of the Department of Labor's position regarding financial advisory services rendered to 401(k) pension plans. These guidelines can change without notice, so it is important to review them with your legal council before relying upon them:

Is it legal to provide investment advice services or portfolio management services, or both, to ERISA plan participants?

Would doing nothing, in other words, not providing these services to participants, be safer from a legal perspective?

What is the Department of Labor's view on providing advice and/or portfolio management?

Is providing investment education a sufficient way to fulfill my role as a fiduciary?

If we decide to provide advice or portfolio management, how do we go about selecting a service provider to satisfy our fiduciary responsibilities?

Is it legal to provide investment advice services or portfolio management services, or both, to ERISA plan participants?

Yes. In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor is on record saying that it wants participants to have as much assistance as possible, and that it encourages plan sponsors to offer participants investment advice if plan sponsors determine their participants need it to make informed decisions. In addition, the DOL, Congress and the Administration have increasingly voiced strong support of investment advice for participants.

Portfolio management services have been used in ERISA plans for many years. ERISA includes provisions for plan sponsors to appoint investment managers, and the Department of Labor regulations on 404(c) plans discuss various examples involving investment management services.

Would doing nothing, in other words, not providing these services to participants, be safer from a legal perspective?

Not really. We think that providing advice and/or portfolio management can actually reduce your risk as a plan sponsor. Employees who make uninformed decisions about savings and investing are less likely to be prepared for their retirements. By making advice and/or portfolio management available, you ensure that your employees have access to the help and information they need to plan for their futures, decreasing the chances of dissatisfaction and possible litigation.

Furthermore, if you as a plan sponsor/fiduciary know that the participants in your plan need help with investing for retirement, you should provide the needed help, whether it is education, advice, professional management, or all three. This is supported by ERISA section 404(a)(1)(B), which requires that all plan fiduciaries exercise their responsibilities "with the care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent man acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims." (Emphasis added.)

What is the Department of Labor's view on providing advice and/or portfolio management?

The Department of Labor has stated that providing advice can actually reduce a sponsor's fiduciary risk. In a major policy speech on September 15, 2000, Leslie Kramerich, Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration had this to say on the subject:

"[W]e believe that employers can be responsive to the investment education and investment advice needs of their employees, without significant burdens or risk of liability. The selection of providers that offer informed, unbiased and appropriate investment education or investment advice will, in our view, not only serve to increase the likelihood of employees achieving retirement security, but also significantly reduce the potential for employee dissatisfaction and possible litigation."

Is providing investment education a sufficient way to fulfill my role as a fiduciary?

Informed policymakers caution that relying on education alone is no longer enough. According to DOL's current Assistant Secretary, "[m]eaningful comprehensive investment advice is more important now than it has ever been" and "[i]nvestment education, while important, is simply not enough." Assistant Secretary Ann L. Combs delivered this message to Congress on July 17, 2001 in connection with testimony on the subject of "Retirement Security Advice Legislation" to the Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.